Balance? What balance?
Some have said McCain has "fallen for a femme fatale" and that Palin was chosen simply because she's good looking. Rush Limbaugh even called her a "babe." Is this politics or a high school locker room?
It took Rush all of a couple of seconds to say that. The "writer" is all but apoplectic that the likes of an Andrea Dworkin isn't up there front and center.
Balance? What balance? Well, let's try this on for size (and keep in mind that this is out of the Seattle Post Intelligencer...):
- Enough recycled humor about an already limping candidate. Jokes make for cheap laughs. It's time for articulated arguments, which make for meaningful discussions and thoughtful voting decisions.
- How can we make an educated decision about a candidate when we're unwilling to even hear her out?
- Commentators have criticized Palin for being a former beauty queen -- I criticize the media and consumers who have made the presidential race into a beauty pageant, where aesthetics and empty rhetoric have become more important than actual policy issues.
- If you're not going to vote for Sarah Palin…it should be because you disagree with her policies -- not because you agree Fey does a damn good satirical impression. Don't be a passive observer of pop culture; know who you're voting (or not voting) for based on candidate stances and solutions. Don't be a laugher, be a thinker -- and only then, go be a voter.
Compared to most of what we've seen out of the MSM, that is incredible advice.
In case I haven't said it before, I have no illusions that the MSM getting buyer's remorse or actually doing the right thing. I just find it funny that multiple sources picked today to have the balanced arguments. I'm sure that tomorrow it will back to the usual drivel.