Are you kidding me — they teach the “virtues” of socialism and communism in the goobermint screwools, but they will never use those words, because use of those words, plus the word liberalism, and admitting they plan to take away your freedoms and money, are verbotten.
On the other hand, the goobermint screwools have no problem trashing the capitalistic system and our founding fathers, and the Pilgrims who first settled the country.
As far as the difference, to me, they are the same, except that communism is just a step deeper beyond socialism into that abyss of tyranny and despair (ask a North Korean how they like Communism).
I went to school in Lancaster County, PA, so no, I was not taught socialism.
Now, things are different. My son goes to Baltimore City Public school and they are damn sure doing their best to indoctrinate!