I heard him being interviewed. Since the CTA has so much money, make sure you vote NO on ever school bond.
The teacher can have the portion of their dues which are used for politics, deferred to charity.
Outrage but yet very few, if any, will quit the union. They will continue to pay their dues like good little children.
Hell, I've been ticked off for years that part of my dues goes to support Democrats in general.
Work for a union= lose control over your personal agenda.
Apparently, this is reason a husband/wife, who are retired teachers now have Yes on Prop 8 signs all over their yards and vehicles and no signs before this weekend.
It's all about changing the world for our kids, folks! - - And that's why we need to join the Boycott against Hallmark Cards, too, because of their "gay wedding" greeting cards!!! Everybody should sign the petition at http://hallmarkboycott.com, so we can express our outrage to them, too. It's high time we take a stand in this culture war because the stakes are just too high to give the liberals a free pass any longer. If we don't stand up to the left on marriage - - in elections, in ballot initiatives like Prop8, in business, in our churches and in the culture at large - - then our children will grow up being forced to embrace all types of immorality in the name of so-called "love" and "marriage." Hallmark is one of those iconic institutions (just like McDonalds was) that we MUST not allow to take sides against God's design for the family. I urge everyone to tell Hallmark you're taking your business elsewhere if they don't reverse course. |