The founders founded our nation in order to form a more perfect union. The amazing thing is the constitution has served for 232 years to keep our nation free and prosperous. The constitution can not survive without morality. Government can be as immoral as it wants and we get rid of those members who are immoral...but when society becomes immoral or accepts immorality then the democracy/liberties will fail...there is no “might” fail about will fail. So what is immoral about our society? The press for one. It isn’t a free press anymore...if you say something the liberals don’t like they ban you from ever directly questioning them again. The press is partial and that is something no founding father ever thought would happen. We’ve virtually removed God from Society....not just from government (State)....Well we’ve removed the Christian God (the real God)...there’s still the Muslim God...the God of Global Warming etc....but the real God with powers greater than any government program is all but banned from society. How can our democracy survive that?
Unless we have a divine intervention to stop this train wreck of disaster we may not recognize the very document that has kept America great for over 230 years...
Our constitution is what has made America exceptional compared to every other nation, limited government.