So you want the government to set wages and profitability? Good grief! Well, anyway, chances are really good you’re going to get a chance to see how bad things can really be when they try to do just that.
The fact is that profits are soaring, while employees are making less. So be it. Republicans better be prepared to lose. As far as I can tell, most people don't really envy the wealthy. Sure, some do, but most want to be rich themselves. However, when the economic and political system is such that the wealth is concentrating in fewer and fewer hands, we are bound to have a revolt. We are somewhat lucky if it happens this election, because the economy is going to suck so bad that voters will blame Obama, no matter what the One does.
Banks and investment firms using our tax money to buy up other banks instead of putting liquidity in the economy? HUH? This is insane, and when this gets out, will guarantee an Obama presidency. The rich getting richer on our tax money. Yeah, that's going to go over real well.
Croney capitalism is a loser. Wake up, republicans.