Good for you, before you know it, the little minded nazi's on the board would be sending you demeaning letters telling you how to paint your home, plant your shrubbery, smoke your cigars in certain areas and what size car you can own and park on your own property.
Actually those restrictions were already in there (Just KIDDING).
The problem wasn't so much the Board as 'we owners' are the Board. This new Covenant idea came the Management Co 'we' hire.
The original purpose for a modification was to get up to date with the new Federal Laws on Associations and 'Outside Antennas'. With Dish TV the old Fed Law prohibited them 'from sight' so we had to get current.
BUT ..the law firm that was hired by the Management Co went fricken NUTS and rewrote everything. Like doing Stock Trading from Your Home Computer , or selling something on eBay - that would be forbidden -- like Hell! And get this one..
They (board or Mgt Co) could ENTER YOUR HOUSE at any time, without a warrant, to see if you are violating ANY regulation. (like some Gestapo inspection)So yes, you're right. That new agreement was like some Nazi edict.I kindly advised them that there would be Dead Bodies at MY front door if they tried this.