One of the things that bothers me about that image is the disinformation in it: when Obama said ‘it’s above my pay grade’, he was referring to when a BABY RECEIVES HUMAN RIGHTS. What he tried to misdirect to was not what Rick Warren asked the lying Marxist squirrel. Warren asked when a BABY receives human rights. Obama had a work history in Illinois of removing human rights from already born alive infants, working to protect the abortion technique called induced labor abortion, where the abortionists causes premature birth, then kilels the separated from the mother’s body INFANT via neglecting any medical attention for the struggling to breathe child, so the struggling preemie suffocates, eventually. Obama had shown he is more than willing to remove human rights from born alive human children in order to prevent any erosion to Roe v Wade, a SCOTUS decision related EXCLUSIVELY to killing alive unborn childrne int heir mother’s wombs while still dependant upon her for life support. Obama is more than willing, eager in fact—if it empowers his political capital—to remove human rights from children no longer dependent upon the mother for life support. Barack Obama is a ghoul of the first order, not just a typical lying democrat.
I think you’re right; I remembered it as Obama’s answer to when life begins. Either way, though, the image of him throwing live babies in a dumpster pretty much represents where he stands.