So what dribble did Romney-supporter Parker publish today? Right now, the Conservatives down in the trenches are taking her about as seriously as they are Peggy Noonan.
can we find her agent..or any number for her?
we can jam the fones.
“This woman is killing the campaign and giving the MSM fuel for their fires!”
She’’s a ludicrous idiot. She’s now driven by the fear that McCain/Palin are going to win.
Where’s the Grassfire petition?
RomneyBOT alert.
And ignore Townhall if they want to publish her.
Hurt them were it matters. Money.
She’s just another two-bit Obamacorn. She’s got the Obama tingle.
The only proper punishment for a would-be celebrity is anonymity. Boycott and ignore. Spend your time campaigning for McCain/Palin, not worried about idiots.
She’s got Venus envy.
The woman’s a near anonymous idiot. Nobody knows who the hell she is and even fewer care. Don’t pay her any atteention...she’s obviously whoring herself for your attention.
Why do you guys/gals let this woman bother you? Ignore her. She is finding some “celebrity” in the fact that she bashes Palin and all of a sudden the media want to talk to her.
When the election is over, she will be hated again by the media. Her column will not be read by true conservatives anymore, and she’ll probably pull a Scott McLellan. Big deal. She influences NOBODY.
Let us hope she pulls a rare media “mea culpa” and take back her words when/if Sarah Palin turns out to be a fine leader.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but can you name ANY of the so-called conservative pundits who didn’t think Ronald Reagan could cut the mustard? I don’t know if ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE are around anymore...maybe they are, but the point is they didn’t and couldn’t stop the conservative grass roots from voting. They are the chattering classes. Let them chatter. We’re the ones who can effect change. When we concentrate on these elitists—even the “conservative” elitists—we spin our wheels.
I am not optimistic about the election, but I certainly believe concentrating on this type of stuff is counterproductive.
What is with these so-called conservatives? Are they becoming willing participants in the Obama hysteria?
They’ve got their “moderate” candidate in McCain. They should be out supporting McCain, not trashing Palin. It should be remembered in the future that these people are not exactly contributing to a Republican victory. So if McCain loses, I don’t want to hear any “I told you so’s” from these “conservative” commentators who are stabbing him in the back right now.
I cancelled my subscription the the National Review after her piece. The NR is rapidly secularizing and turning into the libertarian wing of the New York Times.
How can she kill the campaign when 99% of the voters have no idea who she is?
Get rid of Kathleen Parker and you might have a website worth visiting. Her anti-Palin rhetoric is beyond the pale. Only catty women love cat fights. And when they're made public they destroy the instigator. Hopefully, that will be Ms. Parker's fate.
As to Gov. Palin's credentials, another office seeker years ago was considered unelectable, untested, without sufficient experience, and a dolt by many to boot. He wasn't running for the vice presidency but for the presidency itself. Because of a fractured Democrat party he won the office. He then went on to be one of the greatest presidents this country has ever had. Abraham Lincoln, I suggest, would be happy to have someone of Gov. Palin's qualities as his second in command.
You ( and Parker in particular are making fools of yourselves.
Suppose KP’s premise is accurate. Seems to me she is only seeing the downside of this phenomena. I remember the president of Pakistan being Fatwa’d because of his appreciation of the lovely and gracious Mrs. Palin. Suppose the old goats with whom we will have to deal, are inexplicably disarmed by these same charms.
KP thinks it works on McCain, well then I most disrespectfully ask the most intelligent and beautiful Ms. Parker to be intellectually honest and examine the plus side of the equation.
Can you see the virile and manly Putin making nice in spite of himself? If one is possible then the other is possible. It’s something women have used since time began, some pretty successfully. IOW it depends on how this particular power is used, as it always is.
Parker is a fool.
The revelation that she gets calls and emails from the white house that ‘support her’ are disturbing. If they are true, then she has no business airing that laundry to help undermine the McCain-Palin ticket.
Stereotyping is a lazy way to make yourself feel smart and she really stereotypes men and Palin.
This woman is looking for publicity for her columns.
But attacking her own audience ain’t gonna cut it. Good conservatives should contact Townhall and others to drop her columns. bye bye Lib.