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To: Dutchgirl
ACORN engages in many forms of left-wing activism, often employing the intimidation tactics made popular by Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing and a role model to presidential candidate Barack Obama. The group has waged campaigns against Wal-Mart, against welfare reform, and in favor of “living wage” laws. In October 2005, the group was accused of flooding a non-union hospital’s emergency room with patients they had bused in from far away as part of a unionization pressure campaign. ACORN also controls the ACORN Housing Corporation, which along with its local affiliates has received at least $29 million in federal taxpayer funds since 1998 (other ACORN-related groups have received an additional $2 million).

Does this mean that for the last eight years, taxpayers have been subsidizing this criminal organization?

What in hell are our Republicans doing in Washington?

5 posted on 10/22/2008 6:15:42 AM PDT by GOPJ (If Obama wet his pants the MSM would find a way to spin it as inspired and wonderful.)
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What in hell are our Republicans doing in Washington?

Ignoring their constituents- a la my rep. Ander Crenshaw? Losing badly due to the porked out transportation bill a la 2006? Lining their own pockets- a la Denny Hastert? Diddling a la Newt Gingrich and Larry Craig? Selling us out to the illegals a la McCain, McConnell and Kyl?

They've obviously got more important things to do than count beans. After all-it's not like it's their money...

8 posted on 10/22/2008 6:26:12 AM PDT by Dutchgirl ("Every Socialist is a disguised dictator." Ludwig Von Mises)
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