“With any luck this scumbag will use his ill-gotten gains to buy the dope he wants legislation for and kill himself by smoking it. His contempt for people, especially those who have earned their money honestly, (just to have him steal it) shows his low class and envy. I sure hope that he does get thrown in jail.”
Sorry but I believe you’re confused. He ‘stole’ no money from honest, hardworking people. He traded in the financial pits against other traders. The “financial advisors” who told their clients to invest their money in subprime-backed investments were the idiots (or crooks, depending on your viewpoint).
There is nothing illegal or immoral about shorting stock. It improves the market’s efficiency.
(Also I think you’re a little confused about the concept of “contempt” - it generally has nothing to do with envy. How do you feel about NObama for instance? heh)
So, I can’t use contempt and envy in the same sentence?
I could have used “hatred” but preferred “contempt” because that word also conveys disrespect.
Follow the money. Who lost, who gained?