You haven't mastered the basics of newspeak, my friend. Your oldthink will get you banned. Here is the translation of your above oldspeak statement:
Allow my to reply in Oldspeak. I am still in rehab.
I should have said “go speedfulwise mostnear AmSoc learncamp. Bring dirttool.”
‘learncamp’ is appropriate - must distinguish between learncamp and joycamp (slave labor facility). Of course, in being told to bring a ‘dirttool’, there is an implication of a contribution to the common good.
BTW, Newspeak should be an unword. According to the rules in the 1984 Appendix, the ‘darker’ form of a concept is more good. Therefore, ‘Unoldspeak” is more good.
I am trying to get with the Unold Order of Things.
God help us all!