To: JustTheTruth
The one thing he got right initially was Iraq. Nope. Actually Powell was the reason we had to have a second war in Iraq. Swarzkopf wanted to wipe out Saddams' republican guard and topple Saddam in 1992 but Powell talked Bush into letting Saddam stay.
95 posted on
10/19/2008 9:30:02 AM PDT by
($5/gal Gas....Kick the Jacka$$es Out!)
To: Mogollon
Actually Powell was the reason we had to have a second war in Iraq. Swarzkopf wanted to wipe out Saddams' republican guard and topple Saddam in 1992 but Powell talked Bush into letting Saddam stay. My recall was that the UN resolution made the stipulation that we would only free Kuwait oil fields & NOT go after Saddam. We were living up to those resolutions. However, I stated at the time that as president I would not agree to that & would have forced the resolution further.
97 posted on
10/19/2008 9:59:32 AM PDT by
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