To: JustTheTruth
Oh’s over now.
The blacks will vote 95% for Obama after hearing this.
To: BenLurkin
Oh man...its over now. The blacks will vote 95% for Obama after hearing this.
I think you're right. It would have helped McCain if Powell endorsed him, but I don't think it hurts him that he went for Obama- especially since he felt obligated to say "race has nothing to do with it". If you don't think the MSM is in the bag for Barack, then why would they have Powell on two weeks before the election. I wonder if any MSM outlet will feature Kissinger next week?
26 posted on
10/19/2008 8:09:51 AM PDT by
(Are you claiming you eat toucans or)
To: BenLurkin
I think you’ve nailed it. Without the endorsement of Powell they may have only backed him at the 94% level. We are saved!
42 posted on
10/19/2008 8:16:12 AM PDT by
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