Fascinating quote. However, nobody argues that the stifling bureacracy is a good thing. The fact is, so-called ‘socialised medicine’ isn’t neccessarily poor quality, just the same as not every private company is efficient and competent.
Those of us who have lived in the UK all our lives know that the NHS used to work and delivered quality care in an efficient manner free at the point of delivery, but thanks to slashes in infrastructure and misguided reforms, it is now a shadow of it’s former self. Even the NHS system we have now is better than the better, even in relative terms, to the system that existed before the NHS. There’s a good reason why there isn’t a single political party worth a damn in the UK that advocates dismantling the NHS, not even the Tories when under Thatcher, because we are all aware that it used to work, and that the principle is still sound when put properly into practice...
That’s socialism. Things start out good and then people find out that no matter how hard they work or how much they care they cannot make a difference because government is in charge. They can’t make more money nor can they feel pride in their work. They can’t refuse a bad customer because that would be bigoted. People lose motivation and lose the work ethic.