That's racist.
1 posted on
10/17/2008 4:04:25 PM PDT by
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To: Hadean
32 posted on
10/17/2008 4:28:43 PM PDT by
Names Ash Housewares
(Refusing to kneel before the polling gods and whimper.)
To: Hadean
Politico is staffed full of round mouthed kneepad Democrats.
To: Hadean
Whites have always been the GOP’s power base, especially white males. I believe that LBJ was the last Dem to get the majority of the white vote. I just have a hard time believing this.
34 posted on
10/17/2008 4:30:26 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
Hmmm, sure am glad Senator McCain isn’t rolling out Jeremiah Wright again.
To: Hadean
On Elections Day the 12% of undecided white independents will go to McCain in a margin of 90%. Hillary Clinton won the undecided white voters the primaries again and again and again with 90% margin. Those are not really undecided they are simply not going to tell the pollsters that they are not voting for Obama for fear of being branded racists. The final results of white independents will be 53% McCain 47% Obama on Elections Day.
36 posted on
10/17/2008 4:35:08 PM PDT by
(Use the nuclear option against Obama: Jeremiah Wright)
To: kesg
According to Gallups weekly average of some 6,400 registered voters, Obama now holds a 45 percent-43 percent edge over Republican John McCain with white independents. About eight in 10 independents are white.This smells like BS. I thought McCain led overall among independents in Gallup, but was down only due to a Dem oversample.
38 posted on
10/17/2008 4:41:45 PM PDT by
Chet 99
(Vote McCain/Palin, or this will be our future:
To: Hadean
39 posted on
10/17/2008 4:43:24 PM PDT by
(From the Bush Derangement Syndrome(TM) to the 0bama Worship Cult in which NOTHING matters. USSKKKA)
To: Hadean
Anyone know what percentage of registered republicans actually voted in the last election? If just 80 percent of the people who claim to be a republican would just go vote I think it would be a McCain blow out. I think that any republican who does not take the time to vote this time should hold their head in shame.
40 posted on
10/17/2008 4:44:13 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
Who leads among black independents?
To: Hadean
Does anyone know where Gallup is getting this information? I visit Gallup’s website pretty regularly to look at the internals, but I didn’t find anything like this. You can get information about independents and information about white voters, but not both at the same time as far as I know.
44 posted on
10/17/2008 5:05:19 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
A##wipes who will soon learn they have been had!
Enjoy your messiah morons!
46 posted on
10/17/2008 5:19:01 PM PDT by
ronnie raygun
To: Hadean
“Registered”=McCain is even or slightly ahead among “likely.” Folks, its starting to slip away from the Messiah.
47 posted on
10/17/2008 5:23:58 PM PDT by
("Castles made of sand, fall in the sea . . . eventually." (Hendrix))
To: Hadean
He leads with WHITE KIDS....students and singles that have NO Just like Howard Dean was their choice years ago.
48 posted on
10/17/2008 5:24:57 PM PDT by
Ann Archy
(Abortion.....The Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: Hadean
He leads with WHITE KIDS....students and singles that have NO KIDS!!Just like Howard Dean was their choice years ago.
49 posted on
10/17/2008 5:25:19 PM PDT by
Ann Archy
(Abortion.....The Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
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