That's racist.
1 posted on
10/17/2008 4:04:25 PM PDT by
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To: Hadean
It'll take Obama three days to get Politico's lipstick off his ass.
2 posted on
10/17/2008 4:06:08 PM PDT by
(Inexplicable and infuriating.)
To: Hadean
Dont they mean maggot infested dope smokin hippie whites?
3 posted on
10/17/2008 4:06:09 PM PDT by
(Defeat liberalism, its the right thing to do for America.)
To: Hadean
Politico is hoping to become the messiah’s official propaganda machine. The U.S. version of Tass or Pravada, if you will.
4 posted on
10/17/2008 4:06:44 PM PDT by
(I'm just going to spread YOUR wealth around - Barack HUSSEIN Obama.)
To: Hadean
5 posted on
10/17/2008 4:07:04 PM PDT by
Colonial Warrior
(Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.)
To: Hadean
Politico? Wait....isn’t that that no-credibility “blognews” organisation I hear a few people talk about on occasion?
To: Hadean
7 posted on
10/17/2008 4:07:39 PM PDT by
(Armed in the Heartland)
To: Hadean
8 posted on
10/17/2008 4:07:46 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
Politico is made up of Washington Post castoffs who bailed out before getting laid off.
Their wisdom is nonexistent.
9 posted on
10/17/2008 4:08:28 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
From the “If we keep putting out these stories, maybe people will believe it” file..
11 posted on
10/17/2008 4:10:16 PM PDT by
(Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15)
To: Hadean
"According to Gallups weekly average of some 6,400 registered voters, Obama now holds a 45 percent-43 percent edge over Republican John McCain with white independents. About eight in 10 independents are white." "Should Obamas support hold, he is positioned to become the first Democrat to win white independents in a two-man race since the advent of exit polling."
Huh? Gallup's survey is not an exit poll. The reporter...err blogger...has no clue what he's writing about here.
13 posted on
10/17/2008 4:10:36 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
PROJECTION!!!! keep it up MSM....keep it up....making us regular folks really mad is really going to help /sarc
14 posted on
10/17/2008 4:11:05 PM PDT by
(Socialism is great until you run out of someone else's money (M. Thatcher))
To: Hadean
Poltico is so full of sh*t.
15 posted on
10/17/2008 4:11:18 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
Can’t be. Whitey is racist.
16 posted on
10/17/2008 4:11:19 PM PDT by
(1 of every 10 people you pass in the mall is here illegally)
To: Hadean
Before or After the "Joe The Plumber" incident?
19 posted on
10/17/2008 4:12:07 PM PDT by
(Lets get dangerous)
To: Hadean
another bias piece by politico
why don’t the obama media just say pack up and go home Mccain, lets not have an election
do one media and the politico fools, your biased polling is not working
remember obama was supposed to win NH
21 posted on
10/17/2008 4:12:48 PM PDT by
(Marriage is between a man and a woman no sick MA,CT sham marriage end racism end affirmative action)
To: Hadean
White independent voters are suicidal. Politico was founded
by WP reporters and they write with wet panties for Obama.
To: Hadean
One word:
B U L L S Q U E E Z E !!!!!!
25 posted on
10/17/2008 4:20:49 PM PDT by
(We use 43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 2 to pull a trigger. I'm lazy and I'm tired of smiling.)
To: Hadean
26 posted on
10/17/2008 4:20:56 PM PDT by
( God doesn't wear a wristwatch.)
To: Hadean
And I always thought that the independents were the ones who were a little more intelligent, and looked at things in a deeper way. It turns out maybe that they are looking for a dictator to rule them. That is if there is any truth to this. And truth is hard to find these days.
30 posted on
10/17/2008 4:28:01 PM PDT by
To: Hadean
Is this the same Gallup poll that has 58% Democrats or whatever it is in their sample?
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