“Boss, you could not give me a million dollars in 20s to watch Fox again.....Im serious as a heart attack too”
The odd thing is that Greta of all people is coming around. She is an attorney and knows that ACRON is a major violation of the law. She had an FBI agent that raided one of Ayers hideouts. And as a woman she really is offended by the attacks on Sarah.
think about that a second....Greta is the reasoned voice of Fox and Brit etal are slidin left of stupid......good gawd
I wrote two years ago, and said no more Fox and Friends for me in the am.
I wrote them about two months ago: No more Britt Hume news hour, although I still like Britt, but I can’t abide the commentary, and Kondracke is just obtuse. All Beltway insiders, and just icky.
I stopped watching BOR two years ago, but you can only write him and tell him so if you SUBSCRIBE for the privilege of sending him emails.
I still watch Hannity and I really like Greta, although I didn’t use to.