That is indeed the scariest part. Obama said yesterday, in a very mocking tone, that he didn’t know any plumbers who made over $250,000.
Obama obviously is clueless as to what the legal definition of a “small business” even is.
Check it out on . There are size standards for what constitutes a “small business” in different industries, and-—thanks to American prosperity and our enormous economy-—many small businesses gross millions of dollars.
Jim Angle yesterday on Fox had some “WOW” statistics on how small businesses contribute to the economy, tax revenues and, most importantly, JOB CREATION. There was one quarter, IIRC, where 100% of new jobs were created by small businesses.
Thanks, yes they "Gross" Millions, but with margins squeezed so hard they are squealing like a pig, why would you work hard during an Obama Admin?
How many will close shop? Or "work under the table"?
Will many pull a mini "John Galt" and sort of disappear until sanity returns?
Any way you slice it, we are in for interesting times not run by the financially ignorant, but by the financially stupid.
Last night Hugh Hewitt had small business call in with how the Obamster would effect them and what the economy is doing now. interesting listen it was.....