Barack Obama has stated openly to Planned Parenthood while speaking at one of their conventions that he will erase ALL laws which have come into existence which he feels restrict abortion on demand. That is fact and it is telling of the man and his political party. It also doesn't effect the minds or votes of millions of people who profess to be christians, Protestant or Catholic.
It takes at least two days to commit partial birth abortion or induced labor abortion. In two stockmarket days more than two trillion dollars of 'wealth' were erased. God is the giver of Life. God is also the One of Whom the Bible tells us 'the cattle on a thousand hills are His', so He is the ultimate source of wealth allowed to accumulate in a nation and He can sweep it away overnight. Daniel Chapter Five is a prime example of arrogant assumption meeting cold reality.
The American people have reached a level of decadence where the things they have and want, beyond what they need for comfortable living, are more important to them than the Life given from God to a tiny vulnerable baby. Yes, baby, because a born infant is never defined as a fetus again, since being born ends the age of life known as fetus and starts the age of baby.
Barack Obama referred to infants, babies as fetuses in his Illinois legislative effort to remove human rights, Constitutional rights,s, from these little one simply because Barack Obama deemed the protection of an abortion method known as induced labor abortion more important to protect than the life of born children, a baby. How did he get there?
In Barack Obama's reasoning, a pregnant female goes to an abortionist to end a pregnancy. The abortionist determines that this female is between 16 and 24 to 26 weeks pregnant, that the alive child within her--the fetus--has been alive as a distinct human organism for 16 to 24 weeks. So this abortionists decides to use a growing in popularity form of abortion to kill this alive child. The method is called 'induced labor abortion' where the abortionists causes the female to go into labor and deliver a very premature alive child, then he or she is killed by the simple act of neglect, neglecting to give any attention to the struggling to breathe child so the alive child eventually suffocates to death. There are recorded cases where it took hours for these little ones to finally die, and they struggled for hours to try and breathe, to continue living.
Born Alive Infant Protection legislation was aimed at extending protection, medical treatment, to these struggling alive premature babies. Barack Obama opposed that aid to these struggling children because in his twisted democrat mind that would go against the reason the pregnant female goes tot he abortionist!
When pushed to explain his opposition to these bills, last night Barack Obama resorted to the tired mantra of protecting a woman's health thus protection of Roe v Wade is the most vital issue in the life debates. The question that media bastards will not ask this dead-soul servant of hellish evil is 'How does killing an already separated from the female's body alive achild help the female's health?'
Mediadom (and FOX NEWS is now a prime member of this demonic army) are serving evil at the most basic and obvious level, using their position of informers to prevent information from being given to we the people. Evil is assisted by media purposely avoiding asking the fundamental questions. How does the infanticide Barack Obama sought to protect fix the health of the no longer pregnant female?
Worth repeating. Excellent post.