I refuse to be polled. The last one I hung up on.... keep it quiet.
I’ve had my fill of pollsters trying to steer public opinion with their b*llsh*t polls - my standard response when I’m called by a pollster is “I don’t do polls - goodbye”. And until I have some say in how the questions are phrased and how they’re interpreted, that’ll continue to be my answer.
What’s especially important is that everyone realize the greater the refusal rate, the more people pollsters have to contact - and I’m pretty sure in order to get statistical significance, the number of folks they have to contact in those circumstances goes up exponentially. So every time you blow off a pollster you’re not only making their life’s more complicated, you’re making their racket more expensive and less credible.
With a bit of luck, if enough people tell them to p*ss off, they’ll end up out-of-business, or at least totally discredited.
So do 40% of the people they contact (including me). I contend there is no science based way to compensate for this.
If a rocket’s sensors gave now reading 40% of the time that rocket is going to crash, no mater how clever the programmers are.