Yeah, the Ayers thing is working so well for him.
I hope someone tells McCain how to respond to the “ I was 8 years old” claim by Obama. In my view the retort should be that Ayers was pictured standing on an American Flag around 2001. Obama wasn’t 8 years old then. In any event, Ayers should be shunned by decent society for his violent and anti-american past.
It would be if the media would report it accurately. Since they're not, he needs to take it directly to the people in the debate. He should specifically cite the plot to bomb Fort Dix in New Jersey where young soliders and their civilian dates were attending a dance. His intent was to blow them all to pieces. Thank God he failed. Ayers is more than an "anti-war protestor" as the media likes to describe him.
Yes, it has been working.I don't know what makes you think it hasn't. The thing that is not working is when he backs off and make statements that tells us not to be sacred of Obama as President. Every time he brings up Ayers, or Acorn or Wright,the dems scream their heads off. They are screaming today about Sarah bringing up the fact she loves America. Any time they scream it means McCain/Palin are hitting the mark.