1 posted on
10/14/2008 7:52:51 AM PDT by
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To: illiac
2 posted on
10/14/2008 7:53:27 AM PDT by
(If we don't change directions soon, we'll get where we're going)
To: illiac
If the market is going to rally long term, at some point there will have to be a re-testing of the low that was established last week.
3 posted on
10/14/2008 7:54:22 AM PDT by
(Obama/Biden '08, in and of itself, A Bridge To Nowhere)
To: illiac
This is the most idiotic, incomprehensible vanity thread yet.
4 posted on
10/14/2008 7:54:28 AM PDT by
(Please pray for the success of McCain and Palin. Every day, whenever you pray.)
To: illiac
Bailout the auto, tech, food, construction, raw materials, clothing, animal shelter, and casino companies!
It’s unfair that only Wall Street and Banks get to suck at the Federal Teat!
6 posted on
10/14/2008 7:55:12 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(Bushonomics: Privatize Gains, Socialize Losses......."PAULSON'S THEFT")
To: illiac
7 posted on
10/14/2008 7:55:22 AM PDT by
(Secondhand Aztlan Smoke causes drug addiction obesity in global warming cancer immigrant terrorists.)
To: illiac
11 posted on
10/14/2008 7:58:26 AM PDT by
(.) , (.)
To: illiac
A very predictable sell off after yesterday’s ridiculously huge jump.
To: illiac
So the market’s up 500 points from the day before yesterday. I think profit-taking was expected. Once the bottom is established, the wild swings will diminish, and the market will gradually rise.
16 posted on
10/14/2008 7:59:55 AM PDT by
(When you find "Sola Scriptura" in the Bible, let me know)
To: illiac
18 posted on
10/14/2008 8:00:31 AM PDT by
(Who was Obama's diction coach? Bevis or Butthead? Uhhhhhh.....)
To: illiac
how fast were you typing exactly?
20 posted on
10/14/2008 8:00:45 AM PDT by
(yes, as a matter of fact i DID only read the excerpt.)
To: illiac
The DOW is up about 16 points right now...What do you mean by your post?
22 posted on
10/14/2008 8:01:46 AM PDT by
(The MSM suffers from premature election)
To: illiac
Lots of folks are taking profits and you have sell orders kicking in from yesterday. I know I have several that shot up 30% that I was tempted to sell, however, I am in it for the long haul...
26 posted on
10/14/2008 8:01:59 AM PDT by
To: illiac
That was a bit after 9 am. Right now at 11 am it’s down 0.72.
Things change.
34 posted on
10/14/2008 8:04:46 AM PDT by
Right Wing Assault
("..this administration is planning a 'Right Wing Assault' on values and ideals.." - John Kerry)
To: illiac
It is down 13 points on CNBC, so maybe they are taking some profits. I’m not going to say I want to see it down 300 points, but I hope it’ll be a QUIET day, with a gain.
40 posted on
10/14/2008 8:11:16 AM PDT by
(Obama -- endorsed by the CommunistPartyUSA, shouldn't that tell you something??)
To: illiac
Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts?
Nice post.
54 posted on
10/14/2008 8:23:03 AM PDT by
("All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - G. Orwell)
To: illiac
This is news? Do yourself a favor. Do not operate an automobile or other heavy machinery. Give your computer to charity.
55 posted on
10/14/2008 8:23:37 AM PDT by
(The more cynical you become, the better off you'll be)
To: illiac
It’s the end of the world!
Bankers have to unite to steal money from the middle class and have the politicians legalize it.
59 posted on
10/14/2008 8:27:47 AM PDT by
To: illiac
I think your typos are about to be added to the growing list of FR colloquialisms, such as "series"......"beeber"......etc, etc......
e.g. "McCain sees res during debate with Obama"
To: illiac
62 posted on
10/14/2008 8:29:40 AM PDT by
(DEMSM: "If you tell a big enough lie, frequently enough, it becomes the truth")
To: illiac
Once Obama gets elected, you can forget about any stock you once owned that might have been worth something!
People will be selling & jumping ship like we've never seen before. I plan to sell mine as soon as it goes back up, if it does before the ONE is elected!
68 posted on
10/14/2008 8:34:41 AM PDT by
(Sarah Palin is the cement holding McCains campaign together!!!)
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