I just heard about this on Fox News. Fox said that they were in the movie as "Faux News as is a character call Bill O'Rally. I hope the real Bill tears Flynt to pieces.
1 posted on
10/13/2008 9:08:04 AM PDT by
To: Pfesser
I got something I want Flynt to star in, but I can’t post it here.
2 posted on
10/13/2008 9:48:45 AM PDT by
(No Oil for Democrats!)
To: Pfesser
I guess this is a case of imitation is the sincerest form of flattery in a perverse way. I bet they found themselves a real looker on craigslist.
3 posted on
10/13/2008 9:52:09 AM PDT by
(The choice is clear: Vote for the war hero or the muslim zero)
To: Pfesser
“The Hustler founder has made an X-rated movie using an adult-film actress who resembles the governor of Alaska. “
Tina Fey?
To: Pfesser
In 10 days? Don’t they have to write a screenplay? Then there’s the script on top of that? I mean, “quality” takes a little time...
I’m sure all Oscar voting has been suspended pending the release of this gauranteed classic.
8 posted on
10/13/2008 10:58:07 AM PDT by
To: Pfesser
Thanks Larry! Anything to help push undecideds to our column.
9 posted on
10/13/2008 12:49:56 PM PDT by
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