Will Obama’s Poll Numbers stay steady or go up, the DOW will go down?
Will the DOW be 6000 next Saturday or lower? All of the talking heads are afraid to raise this issue with the exception of Jim Craemer on CNBC?
The question we all have to ask ourselves is “Should we all sell the stock in our 401k ON Monday and place all the proceeds in cash and wait for the Market to return the market to return from the DOW level of 2000 sometime in the next 20 years or should we just let all of our savins melt away and wait for the CHOSEN ONE to feed us on the soup lines? HAPPY DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER!!!!!!
Are the markets around the world afraid of an OBAMA presidency?
Obama is going on the television for his half hour show to play the role of FDR and tell the American people that he will now effect their 401K savings.
Do these people realize that if they hire Obummer, it nullifies the death of EVERY man who has died in the military service of this country?
Revolutionary War - done - we’ll have (already do) mucho taxation w/o a word to say about it.
Civil War - state’s rights? Pfffft - gone. Slavery? We (the working people) are already slaves, see Revo War.
World War I and II - defeating socialism and imperialism? Bigger pfffft - door is wide open.
Vietnam - defeating communism - lay the red carpet outside the open door.
We are SO toast.