No, I don't think visa should be hnaded out to anyone, but I definitely do not think people should be compelled to see U.S. citizenship as a condition to work in this country.
I work in the alfalfa industry in a five state area and again obviously work with many that could be called Hispanic or Latino. I am very sure many of them are 100% U.S. citizens but an untold number are probably not. I can not tell by their accents were they are from. I speak enough spanglish and for the most part they speak enough also to get the job done.
I do not pander to anybody though. I don't think my Grandfather or Aunt that got told to go home and learn more English to start their first grade year in American schools would either. Some of my family has been here since Stuyvesant's time and then some were only 100 years ago or so. But again we are not special, just hard working yeomen for our families. One thing I have never heard in my family is any of us calling ourselves German-American or French-American or Russian-American or ...
Never called myself tactful either.
Good Day!