I am amazed CNN published this. Someone might lose their job over this.
Too bad only 17 people watch CNN.
Not when Bill and Hillary are in charge.
Now the question they need to ask is “Why did B. Hussein Obama try to hide his relationship with Ayers?”
A. He knew he was associating with a terrorist and didn’t
want to hurt his chances at getting elected.
B. He knew he was associating with a terrorist and didn’t want to hurt his chances at getting elected.
C. Both A and B.
Not really, it just proves that CNN really does stand for Clinton News Network.
This aired on AC360 the other night.
FOX is driving the news, forcing the Dem controlled media to report or die.
The word is out and the real folks are fed up!
Pat Codell on Great called them, said they failing the nation.
So what. I sit on nonprofit boards with others all the time. I don’t consider them my friends cause I see them only at meetings where we conduct business. I believe in the missions of my organizations and work to fulfill their goals. What was Barack supposed to do....run from the room like his hair was on fire??? No evidence that Barack endorsed the guys ‘60s activities. This is a dead issue.