Obama voters do not give a turd about Ayers or the truth they just want Change and Hope.
Exactly. It’s not like Obama walked into a meeting where Ayers was present, or Ayers merely voiced support for Obama. They, and Michelle, were allied politically in a common cause.
I think it’s telling we haven’t heard anything from Ayers himself. BO needs Ayers to come out and say they were not associates and I’m not a terrorist. But it’s too big a lie, so Ayers has to shut up.
Why is no one stating the obvious. Ayers is in the same league as Mcveigh!! If BO had his political coming out party at Kaczynski’s house he would not have been elected to a ANYTHING!!!! Just because this guy is free doesnt mean he is innocent!
Obama is Ayers’ protege. Ayers dun real good so far...
check out amazon.com Ayers’ book “The Fugitive Years”.
Go to reviewer comments page. It is chilling.