Maybe. I could give a crap what it it. Just as long as something sticks to this walking piece of excrement. I swear, I have NEVER seen a guy with more frightening things in his background, getting a pass. Good night, I would be happy for the days of Clinton compared to this guy, and that is saying a LOT!!!! My prayer every day has been a simple one. Lord, expose Barack Obama. The guy is a closet MUSLIM. Everybody I know agrees with me. Getting him on this is like getting Capone on tax evation compared to all the other stuff he has been up to.
They delayed sentencing on Rezko a couple of days ago... Maybe the feds have connected the dots back to BO and company.
That’s my prayer to, AH. Expose HIM, his cohorts and the Democrats in Congress who are in need of it. AND crooked Repubs as well.