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Obama's Birth Record Found in Kenya, Why Hawaii Birth Cert. Fake, Obama's First 10 Executive Orders,, Michael ^

Posted on 10/08/2008 11:33:20 PM PDT by BIOCHEMKY

Two related posts about Obama's lack of US citizenship taken from Michael Savage's "Power Line News forum" at 41216/

Posted: 08 October 2008 03:25 PM

K. Rove (poster's online forum nickname)

Total Posts: 304 Joined 2006-11-19 On August, 21, 2008, prominent lawyer, Hillary supporter, former Pennsylvania Democratic Party official and former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg, filed a suit in Federal court in Philadelphia alleging that, because of several factual situations, Obama is not a “natural born citizen” as the Constitution requires all candidates for President to be (see and he uses as proof, among other things, the testimony of Obama’s paternal grandmother, a half-brother and half sister who say they witnessed that Obama was born, not in Hawaii as Obama claims, but in Kenya.

Most of these allegations could instantly be proven false if Obama were to produce the original, long form copy of his Hawaiian birth certificate for examination. Obama has consistently refused to do this and, instead, Obama’s campaign website and his online supporters have offered images of a shorter Hawaiian “certificate of live birth,” that many questioned documents experts say is a forgery and, doesn’t definitively answer the question anyway.

Now, in legal motions filed in Federal court by attorneys for Obama and the DNC this past Monday, October 6th, Obama and the DNC request that any “discovery” in this case, i.e. the actual production and examination of Obama’s original Hawaiian birth certificate, which Berg alleges does not exist because Obama was born in Kenya, be deferred until other legal issues are settled, in effect, postponing production of the birth certificate in question until after the November 4th Election.

This is truly a “Constitutional Crisis” and a Crisis for our Legal System and one that the MSM—deep, deep in the tank for Obama--wants no part in telling us exists, much less covering; you would think that the MSM would at least cover this story to debunk it and for a few laughs but, had I not gone to Berg’s website, I would not have known of this latest legal move, which was invisible because not reported by the MSM. The fact that Obama will not just produce this document—a thing easily done and likely to win him many political points, while at the same time, damaging his political enemies--to settle the issue, and the fact that Obama and the DNC are willing to spend money on delaying production of this original birth certificate, tells me that Obama doesn’t have one, because it doesn’t exist and if it doesn’t exist, Obama is disqualified from running for the Presidency, his campaign collapses and Obama, Democrats in general and the Democratic Party are thoroughly discredited and forever indelibly stained by this monumental fraud on the American people and our country’s democracy; thus, the stakes for Obama, for Democrats, for the Democratic Party and, most importantly, for our democratic form of government, could not be higher. I am sure there is much frantic activity behind the scenes and that the pressure on the Federal judge hearing this case is enormous.

Can you think of any sane reason why Obama would not pull out his original birth certificate for examination and immediately settle this bothersome, costly and “distracting” suit and this controversy? I can’t.

Obama and the DNC, aided by the silence of the MSM, want to keep this Federal suit, these developments, as unknown and quiet as possible, wants the action to be over before we even know that it happened; I suppose the likes of Greta Van Susteren wants to cover the monumentally important story of OJ’s new trial and tribulations, instead.

Obama and the DNC are hoping that if Obama wins in November, Obama’s Presidency will be a faite accompli, no one will have the guts or will want to go through the monumental Constitutional Crisis and Crisis in our Legal System that would ensue if attempts were made to remove a Constitutionally disqualified President-designate Obama from his position. The potential for riots in the streets by Obama’s outraged black supporters (always a threat of implied violence useful to Democrats) is only one of the many dire scenarios one can easily conjure up. Democrats control Congress and all the chairmen of key committees that would be involved in such a Constitutional Crisis are hard-core Democrats. The Democrats probably figure that once they win, they can try every trick in the book, they will fix this problem somehow and evade blame, play dumb, throw up a confusing barrage of conflicting information, say that the citizenship requirement is just an archaic “technicality,” unfair and unimportant, point fingers and say they didn’t realize there was a “Crisis,” and can count on most people to not want to “make waves,” “rock the boat,” or to want to be part of such a potentially cataclysmic upheaval endangering the peace and tranquility and the very fabric of our democracy--so, one way or the other--the Democrats will smooth things over and make this suit go away, to enter the Bermuda Triangle of unsolved and endlessly disputed controversies like the disappearance of Judge Crater, Chappaquiddick and the Kennedy Assassination.

So, the time to act is now, before the Election and the necessary awareness leading to calls for such action is what Obama and the DNC are trying to prevent, with their legal maneuvering and the MSM is also trying to prevent by their silence on this suit and this issue.

---------------------------------------------------------Posted: 08 October 2008 06:04 PM M. Thatcher (poster's online forum nickname)

Total Posts: 8859 Joined 2006-11-16 Without going into all the issues over the document itself there is a hole or loop hole in the Hawaiian Statutes you can drive a truck through about the birth documentation.

[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]

Now what this all means is BHO could have been born in Japan on a shopping trip or Kenya on a visit to the old homestead and he could still get a document saying he was ‘born in the USA’

As long as the birth mother in this case proved her Hawaiian residency and said my kid was born in say Seattle but by virtue of my state citizenship I want the birth to show here and poof we now have a Hawaiian birth record.

I have read a lot on this whole issue and many point to the newspaper listing of his birth announcement.

Well sorry folks that is a vanity listing submitted to the paper since only a few of those appear each day and they are dwarfed by the number of kids born in the islands.

Just like marriage news items are only a sample of all the marriages done.

Local people interested in this issue in Hawaii have tried to find anybody who worked the hospitals back then in the delivery rooms to recall if such a birth was done.

The loophole in the law makes even the COLB a problem.

To fully find out what happened the state record will have to be opened to see if he was born in Hawaii and the court may have to demand that.

The COLB is built from source documents.

The doctor who attended the birth (or nurse who certifies from the delivery room or even a midwife in some cases) has to submit the paperwork to document the trail.

If he was born out of state and the COLB is by the mothers certification then that documentation would be in the record.

People have been trying every angle on this from talking to people who worked in the delivery rooms then to trying to access lists of who used the delivery rooms to even admission records or ambulance records to get to the hospital.

Right now nobody can find a shred to support the birth in either hospital of size there because partly of current privacy laws.

BHO in his books talks of a different form of the birth record because he relates of how it included his birth weight. The current COLB does not but 60s era COLBs issued then did include that data.

Trouble is if you request a copy today you only get the same info you see on the newer version and you will not for example see the birth weight given.

There is much more data in the source file at the state that the COLB is extracted from and that is the real data that needs to be looked at.


K. Rove (poster's online forum nickname)

As I understand Berg’s lawsuit, there are three different and overlapping disqualifying circumstances, any one of which would mean that Obama is not a “natural born citizen.” as the Constitution requires:

First, if Obama was born, not in Hawaii as he maintains, but in 1961 in Kenya, to a father, Barack Obama, Sr. who was a Kenyan citizen and to an American mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who was an American citizen and 18 years of age at the time of Obama’s birth, Berg alleges, Obama would not have been born--under the U.S. citizenship laws then in effect--a “natural born citizen” of the U.S. and, in fact, the only way Obama could have gotten U.S. citizenship would have been to go through the naturalization process, and becoming a “naturalized citizen,”—and, incidentally, generating a boatload of official government paperwork--being a “naturalized citizen” Berg argues, is not the same thing as being a “natural born citizen” as the Constitution requires, so this would disqualify Obama.

Berg’s lawsuit alleges that, despite what Obama and his half sister Maya have told reporters for the same Honolulu paper in separate interviews—I guess they couldn’t get their stories straight--(each gave the name of a different hospital as the site of Obama’s birth), there is no evidence to be found of an admission to any Honolulu hospital for Stanley Ann Dunham or for the birth of Obama in any Honolulu hospital, but researchers have found a birth record for a son, named Barack Obama, Jr. born in a Mombassa, Kenya hospital around the date Obama was supposed to have been born, whose father is listed as one Barack Obama, Sr. and whose mother was an American citizen.

The second allegation in Philip J. Berg’s suit, alleges that Obama would also be disqualified ( if he holds citizenship in Kenya and/or Indonesia and if this is so, Berg argues, Obama is not only Constitutionally ineligible to run for President but he is also ineligible to hold his position as a United States Senator; you can see why this suit is a dagger pointed right at Obama’s heart.

In his third allegation, Berg argues that Obama lost any U.S. citizenship he might have had and became a citizen of Indonesia--and Berg’s suit alleges that Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 on an Indonesian passport issued to him--by virtue of his mother’s marriage to her second husband, Indonesian citizen Lolo Soetoro and her and Obama’s residence in Indonesia. If U.S. law is as Berg states it is, Obama would have had to reapply for American citizenship, sometime after his 18th birthday, by appearing before on officer of the U.S. and swearing an Oath of Allegiance: easily proved if Obama did so, since such an event would, again, generate all sorts of official U.S. documentation; Berg argues that Obama never took this step and, therefore, never regained his U.S. citizenship.

By the way, did the officials at the Federal Elections Commission ever request and examine Obama’s original birth certificate as they should have or did they just take his word for it?

--------------------------------------------------------- The following post is from the Soy Chicano Forum at

Obama Birth Certificate Found In Kenya!

By DescendingEagle at 2008-08-28 20:18

Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen

Birth Certificate Found in Kenya. Citizen of Kenya and Indonesia. Hawaiian Certificate Forged.

On Aug. 21st attorney Philip J. Berg requested an injunction in Federal Court against the nomination of Barack Obama, citing evidence that candidate Barack Obama is not a US citizen, and "the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated."

Berg argues that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in 1961 to an American woman, Stanley Ann Dunham, and a Kenyan man, Barack Hussein Obama Senior, as reportedly shown by a birth certificate from Mombasa Maternity Hospital. According to the law at that time, a parent could pass US citizenship on to a child born abroad if the parent was at least 19 years old. Obama's mother was only 18.

No hospital birth certificate has been produced to show Obama was born in Hawaii, only a certificate of birth registry after the fact, which forensics experts have denounced as a forgery.

Moreover, when Obama was six years old his mother remarried and moved with her husband to his country, Indonesia. Records indicate Obama was naturalized as an Indonesian citizen. Indonesia does not allow dual nationality, so even had he been born in Hawaii, he would have lost his citizenship then.

Even if Obama is able to provide a US birth certificate, a dozen more insurmountable scandals face this unelectable candidate, which the Republicans can hardly wait to unleash on him after he is nominated.

1. When Obama recently made an issue of the number of houses the McCains own, McCain shot back with much heavier artillery: Obama's friend Rezko is a convicted felon, sitting in jail. Obama is the candidate of Chicago corruption. His other cronies Auchi and Alsammare are also convicted felons who have stolen hundreds of millions from the Iraqi Provisional authority and from the government in Illinois. This has been detailed by investigative journalist Evelyn Pringle on opednews, and by Webster Tarpley in his forthcoming book, "Barack H. Obama: the Unauthorized Biography."

2. Obama has very close links to the convicted Weathermen terrorist bombers Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. He shared board memberships with Ayres on the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. This and most of the following scandals are detailed in Tarpley's "Obama - The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate," released in June.

3 Obama is very close to the racist demagogues Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Otis Moss III, Hopkins, Meeks, and Pfleger.

4 Obama has been accused in Federal Court of using crack cocaine by Larry Sinclair, along with gay sex. The Obama camp retaliated by arresting Sinclair in an enemies list operation by Beau Biden, son of veep candidate Joe Biden.

5. The mysterious deaths of black gays in and around Wright's Church: Donald Young, Nate Spencer, Larry Bland could be linked to Obama.

6. Obama's relations to Chechen Terrorism through Ilyas Achmadov.

7. His Relations to CIA-controlled Palestinian factions Khalidi and Abu Nimah.

8. The mysterious deaths of key Clinton delegates and floor leaders just before the convention: Bill Gwatney and Tubbs Jones.

9. The alleged Michelle Obama Hate Whitey tape.

10. Two mysterious envelopes sent to McCain HQ with powder in them raised questions of what Obama's fanatical supporters may be capable of.

Then of course there is the problem that Obama is a very weak candidate as regards appeal across the spectrum. In the primaries Obama was not able to carry any of the big Blue states that a Democrat has to win in the electoral college for the general election.

Obama is not able to appeal to the electorate on the issues, only on his personality. His attempt to appear populist fails since he is in fact the puppet of the right-wing Chicago School and revanchist Brzezinski faction. Instead of offering what the great majority of Americans want, peace abroad and fixing the economy at home, he will deliver increased austerity. The war in Georgia shows that the post-9/11 era has now ended with a new cold war against Russia, inspired by Obama's guru Brzezinski.

As Tarpley points out, Obama has never won a real election contest; his way has always been smoothed by engineered scandals.

But this time the scandals are set to go the other way.

The Democrat National Committee has to be certified insane if they nominate Obama. There is no way he can beat "war hero" McCain with a ton of dirty laundry like this around his neck.

And even that pales beside the blamage, the loss of face for the Democrats if they nominate a candidate who is not even a US citizen, thus giving the election by default to the Republicans. That could be the final blow to what is left of the two-party system as we know it.

--------------------------------------------------------- The following is from Michael Savage (conservative radio host) at

Obama’s First 10 Executive Orders?

Quotes from

• Obama enacts stronger “federal hate crimes legislation” to “reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section.”

• Obama creates “a fund to help people refinance their mortgages and provide comprehensive supports to innocent homeowners.”

• Obama, following through on his pledge to “meet with the leaders of all nations, friend and foe,” signs a non-agression pact with the Hitler of Iran.

• Obama doubles foreign aid to $50 billion to cut “poverty around the world in half by 2015.”

• Obama removes our troops from Iraq, leaving a power vacuum filled by Iran.

• Obama enacts socialized medicine, destroying small businesses with taxes to pay for illegal alien healthcare.

• Obama enacts amnesty for illegal aliens.

• Obama enacts legislation demanding carbon friendly cars, hammering the final nail in the coffin of the US car industry.

• Barack Obama enact laws to reinforce affirmative action by funneling money to “women and minority-owned businesses.”

• Obama repeals the Bush tax cuts.

• Obama enacts the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to entrench the power of the homosexual lobby.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Hawaii
KEYWORDS: 2008; birthcertificate; certifigate; citizenship; indonesia; kenya; obama
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To: freeplancer
what is to stop someone from forging a BC and placing it in the files in HI?

Dan Rather will show up with it for the OctoberSurprizeStopper.

It will be faxed to him from a Kinko's in Abilene, Texas by Texas National Guard officer Bill Burkett.

This time to cover their scam, it will be reproduced on a 286 computer to further authenticate it.

It will have little grains of sand on it, and maybe a scrap of palm tree.

Rather's career will be revitalized and all the Network News station will merge with him as the only Anchorman we will ever see again.

21 posted on 10/09/2008 12:15:00 AM PDT by Syncro (FR spell checker likes my word OctoberSurprizeStopper!)
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To: dr_lew

I remember that, but that was pretty early on. Keyes came in well before the election. Also, I think it was someone else besides the ex-wife who caused the final trouble. His ex-wife mentioned that her ex would make a great Senator.

22 posted on 10/09/2008 12:15:39 AM PDT by napscoordinator
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To: Tempest

“Anyways taking this to court before the election is the only hope for this matter.”

Amen to that, brother!

23 posted on 10/09/2008 12:15:40 AM PDT by BIOCHEMKY (I love liberty more than I hate war.)
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Yes he would not be accepted in Illinois, but he would not be accepted in America either. He tends to be a bit out there with his thinking, but good man just the same. I think he means well but just can’t get his message out.

24 posted on 10/09/2008 12:17:07 AM PDT by napscoordinator
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To: fieldmarshaldj; dr_lew

Thank you, fieldmarshal.

You got that exactly right.

I’m amazed that this is the first election in which Obama has had a real challenge.

Usually, he uses his resources to wipe his challengers off of the ballot.

25 posted on 10/09/2008 12:18:15 AM PDT by dixiechick2000 (Sarah'cuda Rocks)
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To: HawaiianGecko

“And who the hell is Power Line News?”

To me “Power Line News” seems like a less known version of the Drudge Report. I believe the editor of it is a talk radio host named Michael Savage whose radio program is called “Savage Nation”.

26 posted on 10/09/2008 12:18:42 AM PDT by BIOCHEMKY (I love liberty more than I hate war.)
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To: napscoordinator

“Yes he would not be accepted in Illinois, but he would not be accepted in America either. He tends to be a bit out there with his thinking, but good man just the same. I think he means well but just can’t get his message out.”

My thoughts exactly.

27 posted on 10/09/2008 12:22:52 AM PDT by BIOCHEMKY (I love liberty more than I hate war.)
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I guess it is time for Michelle Obama to come up pregnant. The press will go on and on about how historical it will be to have a black, pregnant couple in the whitehouse.

28 posted on 10/09/2008 12:25:22 AM PDT by freeplancer
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I guess it is time for Michelle Obama to come up pregnant. The press will go on and on about how historical it will be to have a black, pregnant couple in the whitehouse.

29 posted on 10/09/2008 12:25:23 AM PDT by freeplancer
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To: dixiechick2000

Do you know who Ilyas Achmadov and Abu Nimah are?

30 posted on 10/09/2008 12:25:53 AM PDT by BIOCHEMKY (I love liberty more than I hate war.)
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To: napscoordinator
Keyes came in late in the game, after Obama's pol friends in the Chicago machine had knocked off Jack Ryan. And Keyes was an outsider (carpetbagger, like Hillary) Keyes is also way too conservative for Chicago and IL is led by Chicago.

In answer to whether or not the accusations about citizenship are true, the number of the case has been posted here as well as a summary of the suit. Berg is well known in Dem circles.


31 posted on 10/09/2008 12:27:19 AM PDT by vaudine (RO)
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Just a thought, what if Obama does have a legal birth certificate, is delaying until the McCain campaign starts asking for it and then produces it as close to Election Day as possible for maximum humiliation?

32 posted on 10/09/2008 12:40:56 AM PDT by skr (May God confound the enemy)
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To: dr_lew

The original Republican candidate withdrew because of a scandal based on allegations by his former wife in supposedly “sealed” divorce records claiming that he tried to coerce her into “threesomes” and stuff like that.

If he did that, he wasn’t a Republican. Republicans are moral.

33 posted on 10/09/2008 12:52:38 AM PDT by FFranco
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To: napscoordinator

Jack Ryan won the nomination in a March primary, and dropped out three months later in June. Two months after that, in August, Keyes became the candidate. During that two months the GOP was in Senatorial limbo, even looking at the possibility of Mike Ditka stepping in. I recall Ditka on the radio talking about it, and not saying he wouldn’t do it, although of course this didn’t go anywhere.

By the time Keyes blew in from Maryland, the GOP candidacy was a complete joke, and Keyes presence merely saved them from the deeper ignominy of having no candidate at all.

34 posted on 10/09/2008 12:52:48 AM PDT by dr_lew
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To: skr

Just a thought, what if Obama does have a legal birth certificate, is delaying until the McCain campaign starts asking for it and then produces it as close to Election Day as possible for maximum humiliation?<<<<<<<<<<

My thoughts, exactly. They could be sitting there watching everyone spin their wheels over this supposed revelation, then triumphantly present a legal birth certificate showing him eligible to be the POTUS. I hope this pans out, but am not holding my breath just yet.

35 posted on 10/09/2008 1:01:13 AM PDT by Mjaye
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To: Impy; BIOCHEMKY; napscoordinator; dixiechick2000; vaudine; dr_lew

Ambassador Keyes was completely used. The whole race after Ryan’s departure was a sham and a sideshow. There was a perfectly excellent incumbent Senator by the name of Peter Fitzgerald, but because he was opposed by the IL Combine (a cliquish collusion of corrupt “business as usual” pols from both parties), he had to be run out of office after a single term. Once Ryan, too, was run out after that divorce records business, the IL GOP Combiners were perfectly happy to let Obama waltz into office (just so long as he didn’t threaten their power within the party). Keyes was a joke to them, used to the hilt, as they had zero intention of giving him support to win. They very well could’ve recruited a candidate that could win, but they CHOSE not to. Sadly, the Ambassador was not in on the joke and had no clue he was being used.

36 posted on 10/09/2008 1:06:34 AM PDT by fieldmarshaldj (~"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps !"~~)
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Mis-prison of a felony, tell Levenworth several Spic-N-Spans on the way.

37 posted on 10/09/2008 1:29:38 AM PDT by Waco ( G00d bye 0'bomber)
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The executive order section is BS. The president doesn’t have the power to do most of what is on that list.

The founding fathers were pretty smart with that checks and balances thing.

38 posted on 10/09/2008 1:35:00 AM PDT by Straight Vermonter (Posting from deep behind the Maple Curtain)
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To: Straight Vermonter


39 posted on 10/09/2008 1:58:50 AM PDT by quickquiver (No, means N O.)
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To: skr

Just a thought, what if Obama does have a legal birth certificate, is delaying until the McCain campaign starts asking for it and then produces it as close to Election Day as possible for maximum humiliation?

Obama’s grandmother and half-brother attended the birth. They were witnesses to the fact that Obama was born in Kenya, not the US. The fellow Berg supposedly has their testimony or affidavits re: the birth.

40 posted on 10/09/2008 2:55:00 AM PDT by BIOCHEMKY (I love liberty more than I hate war.)
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