Memo to Michelle Malkin: try attacking the other side.
I have become so tired of this woman.
Truth hurts, huh?
Yeah, she stands up for conservatism and following the law.
The guy you idolize stands for socialism and breaking the law.
I can see where you tire.
We may have to vote for this tired old hump named McCain just to keep the Marxist out, but if Mc gets in, it isn't exactly a victory.
Michelle Malkin is a (coincidentally attractive) stream of consciousness. She’s the female counterpart to Glenn Beck; she gets something in her head, runs with it, and every single thing that happens becomes proof of it in her head. The end result is sometimes entertaining but far too often utterly irritating.
As for the mortgage issue, anybody who purchased a home between the years of, say, 2003 and 2006 paid, in most cases, more for their house than it was worth. The vast majority are still paying their mortgages on time. Purchasing those mortgages and renegotiating them would both provide liquidity to the banks who currently own them and provide a source of long-term profit to the government. Now, I don’t believe the government should be in the business of making money, but I don’t see it as massive socialism.
She IS attacking the other side.