Dear MCCain, thanks for promising to buy out dumb-ass credit risk losers and refinance the principal of their homes at my expense.
Yes, I’m still pissed at this. The reward for hard work and responsibility: the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I hope you swayed some brain dead morons, McCain, because you disappointed the hell out of me. It was like a sleep-walking contest, and Barry O seemed one notch less asleep than you. Are you really well enough off to take your base for granted? I hope they show more energy going to the polls than you show defending conservatism.
I don’t get to or want to reach across the aisle in the voting booth. I can only choose one name for Pres.
Ok, this is weird. Krauthammer thinks McCain won this first half of the debate, on the economy, and NOT the second half on foreign policy. ????
Does that mean that you, like me, got that sick feeling in your stomach as time after time McCain reminded us that the Republicans did not nominate a conservative?
Funny, that's exactly when I changed the channel.
It must suck that your buddy Obama lost tonight. I understand.