In a saner world he would have been executed for his treason and not held up as some kind of sick, disgusting, liberal icon to teach American youth in college.
McCain's decision, through his campaign announcement yesterday, to go after this is something that the American people very much need to hear about. BRAVO!.
The last four weeks of this election will be about whether the American people are willing to turn our economy and national security over to Barack Obama, a man with little record, questionable judgment, and ties to radical figures like unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers. Americans need to ask themselves if theyve ever befriended an unrepentant terrorist, or had a convicted felon help them buy their house because those arent smears, those are true facts about Barack Obama. Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008
The real question is what the American people will do...and with Sarah out there all over the country, that is becoming more and more clear with each passing day.
I remember when the media was reporting news stories this summer and the WHOLE of the story was "look at the size crowds that guy Obama is drawing!"
Where are the photos of the crowds Biden is drawing?