I don’t think I missed anything you wrote. How old are you anyway? Your words about “spoiling the little tykes” reveals a profound ignorance about those times. Very few middle-class Boomers (who constituted the great majority) were spoiled. Few parents in those days spoiled their kids. I didn’t know any because neither me, my friends, or anyone else I knew were spoiled. The people I knew were mostly middle to lower middle class i.e. poor. I guarantee you none of them were spoiled. Large families were common and usually only the father (like my father) worked for money. There wasn’t that much money period. That came later. So stop with the “Boomers were spoiled” crap.
So you think your experience represents the entire generation? Okay.... Like the "I don't know how Nixon won because everyone I know voted for Humphrey". Maybe your experience is not representative of most other boomers, particularly the NE liberals who dominate liberal politics nowadays? But you probably already think this. So why take exception at a generalization directed at them?
Often in political discourse generalizations are needed to characterize political movements. Sorta like what this article is doing. Why do you take the article or the commentary personnally? It's not 'all about you'.
: )