If captured, they are taught a code of ethics and expected behavior. McCain had a grandfather and father who were steeped in service to the country and were role models.
Barry was a troubled young man struggling for an identity and mixed feelings about his father and ethnicaly different mother and grandparents. He was indoctrinated in the principles of Saul Alinsky and became a community organizer to stir up class warfare and to manage corrupt construction contracts and later on, the techniques of skimming profits as a slum lord. His spiritual advisor preached anti-American sentiments and race/class warfare in addition to redistribution of wealth. His mentors have ties to the Black Panthers, Saudi businessmen, and self-proclaimed communists and anarchists.
A week ago Friday night I watched a copy of ABC/Disney's 'Path to 9/11' (found it on the internet in Bit Torrent format). I now know why the Democrats and the Clintons have banned it. With the clear resolve of Sen John McCain for our security and "No Blink" Gov Sarah Palin on the team contrasted against the wimpy approach Barry has taken to those who hate us - sitting down with our enemies -and Joe Biden's ever-errant mouth and defective mind, it would be a landslide victory for the Republicans upon viewing this movie.
I felt physically ill after watching it, thinking about the possibility of a Democrat win in November.
Not only remembering the heroism, but irresponsible and criminal acts of those like Jamie Gorelick and Sandy Burglar and the stupidity of Madeline Albright makes me proud, sad, mad, and nauseated all at once.
There is NOTHING....NOTHING presidential about Barry. I could not contemplate Barry making decisions (with Joe) if we were attacked again under their watch. I am quite scared of who Barry would have as his cabinet members (like Ziggy), and terrified of who is in his 'kitchen cabinet', like Michelle-Amorosa or folks like Rezko, Axelrod, Raines, and Johnson.
When JFK lowered tax rates and increased revenue, Barry was pooping in his diapers. When Ronaldus Magnus lowered taxes and increased revenue, Barry was drinking, smoking dope, and trying to "collect his feces". When GWB lowered tax rates, Barry alternately says it wasn't enough or as a failure. I guess he still has not "collected his feces".
John and Barry had close contact with communists in their younger years - Barry embraced it, John left it with a different impression.
I snagged the six disc Aussie version.