Along the same lines, what do Freepers want from McCain-Palin over the next month?
I'd like to hear a consistent refrain that "end the war" means "lose the war". There are only two ways to end a war and if you pull out without winning that's a loss. Palin did a good job of pointing out that Al Qaeda thinks Iraq is the central front in their war against us, but she needs to connect the dots even more clearly.
I don't think Governor Palin needs more one-line zingers for attacking Obama/Biden. It may be better to be tough but likable and emphasize what the GOP will do right. Otherwise, I hope the campaign schedulers run poor Sarah into the ground and keep her speaking six days a week, as many times a day as she can go without burning out or losing her freshness.
Other ideas? Or if Rush broadcasts other ideas, I'd like to be able to read the good ones here. Thanks.
I want McCain to get energized and start going after Obama. Otherwise what is he hiding? I want Sarah Palin to be turned lose from the party line and let her be Sarahcuda. That'll not happen much.