I think his campaign was a lot better when he ran against Hillary. I don’t see large crowds for Obama now, like he had when she was his rival. I see a bunch of videos on YouTube showing many moments where he has trouble enunciating words - with or without a teleprompter. A lot of his handlers are from the Carter days. Bill and Hillary are dissing him indirectly every time they can. I’ll grant that he’s avoiding any and all blame for the Fannie/Freddie fiasco - and that’s impressive. But the media is behind him, and his campaign gets no real scrutiny. What am I missing that makes his campaign “great?”
For what it's worth (yes, she's a liberal), but I happen to think there's a lot of truth to this article.
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/6037097.html The Houston Chronicle is my home paper, by the way, but I take it for the ads! LOL