If you think that is a sound strategy, you need to up your meds. The McCain camp effed-up with her rollout. There was no strategy at all. Apparently, they figured that the Obama camp and the press (but I repeat myself) would just roll over and die at the sight of a woman on the GOP ticket. Pathetic. Like they were going down that easy.
She should have given media interviews to every possible friendly media and snubbed the MSM until the notion of her being Reagan II was cemented in the conservative mind. Instead we have weak-sisters calling for her to step down. Again, there should be a public flogging for the person that designed her media strategy, and that person should be barred from politics for life.
Mayhap this is the beginning of a different strategy, but it is really on the cusp of being too little, too late.
The problem with that is there are maybe 5 talk radio shows with an audience to really make and impact, if she had started too early people would tune out.
I sort of agree they waited a bit too long, but with Rush, Hannity, Beck, Hewitt and Boortz, there is only so many she can do.
I’d love it if she penned some columns at FR, NRO, Townhall and dealt with Obama’s thugs trying to pull that NRA commerical.
Right now the talking heads can complain about little issues and lack of access. These complaints will disappear once she's back in view and firing up the base. After all, does anyone care what she said 2 weeks ago? What will be in the news is what she says going forward on a daily basis.
[She should have given media interviews to every possible friendly media..]
We scoffed at the Dems for not appearing on Fox, but in hindsight we should have mirrored that philosophy.