Karl Rove was on O’Reilly last night and said that before Peolsi’s ridiculously partisan speech, she personally gave permission to several of her dem friends in California and those dems in vunerable districts to vote NO on the bill.
The fact that she even called for a vote before knowing if she had the votes in her own party makes her the most incompetent Speaker ever. The dems think they can lay ‘blame’ for its failure to pass on the Republicans, but they are wrong. Word is finally creeping out that 95 dems voted NO and it is us little people that defeated this bill.
Someone needs to ask Barney, the gay lisper, why so many in his own committee didn’t vote for it either. Maybe he could have said all kinds of nice things about them since he knows their names.
Several years ago, my daughter was in fifth grade and came home with this gem
I know you, you know me, let's hang Barney from a tree...
Might be the wrong Barney though!
She knew last week that she was short on the votes. She stated that she would bring it to the floor for a vote without 100 Reps votes. What did she know and when did she know it?