Harkin claimed to be a fighter/bomber pilot who served in Vietnam. Lie. He was a plane-transport pilot and there is no record of him ever having been in Vietnam while in the service.
He did go with a group of communist sympathizers and dupes to Con Son Island in 1970 and claimed that the VC were being tortured and living in “tiger cages.”
Rep. Phil Crane, in a July, 1970 edition of “Human Events” showed his trip photos of the prison and showed how Harking, Don Luce (admitted VC supporter), Rep. Augustus Hawkings (D-Ca, and Ex CPUSA member), and several others lied about what they saw or were told.
Today, if Harkin made the claim that he served in Vietnam, he could be federally prosecuted under the “Stolen Valor Act” but it did not exist back in the 70’s.
He is one of the top Democratic traitors in Congress and his record of support for communist causes is long and serious.
In view of all that it is all the more sickening that Harkin could get elected US senator, much less dog catcher. Shows how low this country has sunk, I hate to say it. Yet the conservative leaning states (and states like IA that were once more heavily Republican) keep electing lefties like him. Look at ND also. By contrast, how many “blue” states elect conservatives? And if one of them were to lie through his teeth about military service, he would be thrown out of office promptly.