Scary thing is this smacks of deep strategery. This ACORN nonsense is put in, it coagulates opposition around that one point. Dems agree to remove it leaving the content of the bill intact. If the whole thing collapses, Dems can claim that Repubs are racist etc. in opposing ACORN.
Folks are angrier than I have seen them—EVER! I think this even surpasses the immigration mess, but then, it sorta ties in to the immigration thing. People are STILL trying to get something they don't deserve!
IMHO, folks are also getting fatigued with the PC accusation that they are “racists” if they dare complain about unfair practices. The accusation has been used so often, and for such idiotic reasons, that it no longer has the sting it used to have. (The allegation was made during the immigration debacle, with little effect on American outrage.)
You're absolutely right. I was thinking the same thing earlier today.
That's why before an election, the Republicans should show some balls and act like real free market conservatives.
Then Republicans can claim ACORN wasn't the only thing they had reservations about and can deflect the issue while earning confidence with the base.