Been posted already
it is funny how her flubs are splashed all over every news outlet, Yahoo front page, what have you, while Biden’s daily gaffes are all but ignored.
She should have said when Alaska was bought from the Eskimos in 1929, FDR went on TV and declared free trade between Alaska and Russia.
Obama HUSSEIN’S oreign experience is limited to traveling to Kenya to campaign for one month for his Radical Leftwing Muslim Terrorist Cousin who was running for President of Kenya and burning Christians alive in their churchs. This was while Obama was a U.S. Senator which of note, is highly ILLEGAL!
Did you know that Sarah Palins’s home school district website has a Russian section?\Pg255.asp
This is such garbage. Palin need not defend her “you can see Russia from Alaska” remark. She did not say that gave her foreign policy experience for heaven’s sake.
It’s true, you CAN see Russia from Alaska, though certainly not from Juneau. Good grief, Alaskan tour guides divulge this “ability to see Russia” tidbit all the time. I’ve heard them say it myself.
I think Palin’s point was simply that Alaska is very close to Russia and given Russia’s actions of late, this could be worth noting. During the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis there was much ado about the fact that Cuba is only umpteen miles from Key West. Same thing.
I've traveled the world.
Does that mean I have "foreign policy experience"?
Why do they always go on about her lack of foreign travel? She’s not exactly a wealthy woman. She’s got five kids. Maybe she couldn’t freaking afford it, you idiots!
I love the list of things she “never did” - until she did them!
Obviously, the media and its requisite minions are too stupid to understand her straightforward,honest, and intelligent comments. They can only perceive the world and everyone in it through the haze induced by their DNC koolaid.
The right answer should have been, "I've been focusing on my constituents for sixteen years of public service. They don't pay me to fly around the world on junkets. I am bringing deep experience in energy policy and government reform to this ticket. John McCain did not want or need a foreign policy wonk as he has ample experience himself. I look forward to working closely with him on foreign policy, and all other issues of concern to the American people, for the next eight years."
The right answer should have been, "I've been focusing on my constituents for sixteen years of public service. They don't pay me to fly around the world on junkets. I am bringing deep experience in energy policy and government reform to this ticket. John McCain did not want or need a foreign policy wonk as he has ample experience himself. I look forward to working closely with him on foreign policy, and all other issues of concern to the American people, for the next eight years."