This is in fact the central problem with Godless liberalism and they know it.
They’re all snowflakes and daisys, tolerant of ALL things...
but when it comes to God...
or His children, they go right off the rails.
So we see Palin attacked by the likes of hollyweirdos.
Christians attacked for public displays of faith.
Conservative Christians are the biggest threat to failed liberalism, and they’re all too aware of it.
Palin sets them into panic mode.
Sure religion is detrimental to society.
That explains the progress made on the heels of the Protestant Reformation.
That explains the increase in violence and immorality with the decrease in religious activity.
That explains how our country became the greatest nation on earth. We abandoned our faith. Yeah, that’s it......
Maybe the people in communist China, the Soviet Union, NK, Viet Nam, would like to hear that news. I’m sure they missed that part while they were starving in death camps.