well this part is true
it is amazing that Kennedy has avoided prosecution all these years and keeps getting re-elected
Yes, it is amazing that a man could commit what amounts to, at the least, manslaughter, and be re-elected year after year to the Senate. He walked away from that girl, he didn’t even try to save her, and he got rewarded with a seat as Senator. Just like Sheets Byrd, the former KKK Grand Dragon or whatever they’re called, being re-elected time after time. Defending Clinton’s sexual harassment and lies under oath. I do not understand Democrats at all.
Trent Lott makes an innocuous remark at an old man’s party, and is pilloried from his post, and Republicans don’t make a peep. They’re wrong for what they do, and we’re wrong for letting them hold us to a different standard.
Its not amazing if you are a Senator in a state of MORONS!