Beyond that (determining whether we are experiencing a trend of global warming or periods of atypical warmth), it has yet to be established that mankind is (A) responsible for any climate change and (B) mankind has the ability to deliberately change climate (by changing environmental policies).
It is ABSOLUTELY CLEAR from the historical record that the Earth has undergone a series of radical shifts in global temperatures (both periods of warmth and cool “ice ages”) that predate the existence of man. There is also historical proof that the climate has undergone temperature shifts during the history of mankind on the planet Earth prior to the industrial/petrochemical revolutions.
This is the rooster claiming that he makes the sun rise every morning by crowing. Stark raving socialism in the name of junk science.
I haven't seen ANY plans by these global wrming alarmists and liberal governments who support them bring forth any policies, to actually change the climate.
Taxing carbon does nothing to eliminate it. It just makes people pay more for it. Does taxing beer make people drink less beer?
Will taxing natural gas or home heating oil make people wear parka's in their homes in the winter?
Take that Canadian liberal running for prime minister and his "green shift" plan. He plans to tax Canadians another 40 billion in new "carbon" taxes. He is not eliminating any other taxes. Oh no. just 'reducing' them a little. Then he plans to give that 40 billion in new tax revenue BACK to the sheeple in goodies that I guess Canadians are too stupid to buy on their own.
Stupid as it all sounds and is, how does that reduce carbon output and the mythical "global warming"?
It doesn't. All he's doing is charging Canadians $50 a ton for the carbon they produce. I guess that means Canadians will have to pay the government $25 a year just to breathe.
The stupidity of people falling for this global warming nonsense is just mind numbing.
Wondering if the “wobble” as it has been noted in reads of my past has anything to do with “Climate Change”?
How many years does it take for the Earth to “Wobble” from one extreme to the other as it rotates on axis?
My curiosity due my recollection of the time (standard time) in my youth of the 1940’s, 1950’s when it would become too dark to play “ditch ‘em”, and other outdoors games. Seems to me at 4:30 PM PST we called it quits and went indoors for the night. These days remain light about an hour longer than those days PST.
It would seem to me that if the Earth “Wobbles” as it “rotates” on its axis that the Sun would be more intense in different locations on the surface of the Earth than it was before at those locations causing my weather to go someplace else, and someplace else’s weather to become my weather.
The natural tilting of the Earth could cause the Arctic to be more exposed to the Sun.
Just a thought.
Wondering if anybody can comment on the thought.