We have dozens and dozens of stable breeds to pick from - what is this selfish obsession with owning a pit bull that could, given the wrong stimulation, become a killer? In far too many situations the pit bull IS the "gun" murdering the person.
Is it so important to be able to have a pit bull that so many people have to die every year for the "pit bull" cause. Are pit bulls more important than human beings? We conservatives claim to believe in the sanctity of human life - haven't we seen enough of it's destruction by this poorly designed breed that continues to demonstrate latent instability and hostility?
A hunting dogs gotta hunt.
A herding dogs gotta herd
A tracking dogs gotta track
A retrieving dogs gotta fetch
A killing dogs gotta kill.
You’re right. We should have a government approved list to choose from. And while they’re at it they can decide which cars we can drive, those SUV’s are dangerous. Next up, food and hand guns. Do I really need a sarcasm tag?