and replace it with drugs, porn, alcohol, and food... and a Fuhrer... all to provide the methadone to the masses.
Excuse me, but of that list, dogs are the only ones with FREE WILL.
“I’m glad that you agree that it isn’t the dog but the owner.”
ok, but which owner? aggression may start with a previous owner, previous experiences, self induced[by the dog to itself] psych issues etc. ie the dog whisperer episodes. dog psych issues may be hidden.
in my life experience,
with rotts, end of street neighbor got rid of his after it bit small related child on his property. med atttention required.
cattle dog; bit older nephew in face, no med attention needed.
pitts, next door neighbor had 2 together. they were dangerous if you physically threatened them. ie swung a stick to shoo them away. i did this once & was chased. they were loose in my front yard & barking at me. i had to scramble up high porch stairs to get away. they followed part way up if i remember it right. if i had had my ccw on me then it would have been bad. pitts are hard to drop with a pistol which i didnt know then. also neighbor’s son was & still is a police officer. & said neighbor was a 3 time loser [been to prison for assault & battery] & relations with this family have always been strange/strained.
however important lesson. after talking with him after this incident, he advised to speak commands ie specifically tell them to go to their back yard. & not to be physically aggressive / intimidating. it worked ! i tried this with my other next door neighbor’s pitt/shepherd mix who fence jumped. i told her to go home & jump back over her fence. with some coaxing, she did ! but this may have worked simply out of their slight familiarity with me.
important note. to my knowledge the pitt pair had not been mistreated or taught aggression, yet they were
overtly barky & untrustworthy to me.
important aspects of dog personality: territoriality, dominance, behavioral constancy.[not a comprehensive list]
individual dogs & breeds differ in their sense of territory. specifically their perception of your violation of their perceived personal space [if they perceive any] which may extend 0’ to 100’+++ from them. [this space may extend onto your property & person if you live next door]. a higher sense of territory will elicit more dangerous responses especially [imo] from a dominant dog. dominance indicates a dog’s degree of submissiveness. another trait, constancy measures the ratio of concentration & interruptibility. a very high constancy means the dog’s concentration on any task is not likely interruptible unless trained to stop on command. constancy is needed in terriers who were bred to hunt as canine tunnel rats.
an amateur training a pitt bull terrier to be a fighter must realize that a fighting/killing machine must have an off switch.
simply because a dog can be taught to fight doesn’t guarantee it can be trained to stop.
who would want a 4 legged chain saw running around their neighborhood without an off switch ??