Nailed you guys back in post 56...
“Bunch of holier than thou control freaks”
This jerk next door breeds pits and sells them in Da’Hood
from what I can tell,,,
Of the 5 chained in the yard,,,2 bitches just had
Workin’ on the house here,,,
Power-washing to get ready to paint,,,
All 5 lunging at the fence,Razin’ Hell,all afternoon,,,
Hard to work lookin’ over your shoulder,,,
I wear a vest with the Colt in right pocket and 4 mags in
the left,,,balances the load,,,12ga. just inside the door.
(5 bee-hives),,,
They had 18 pits at one time,,,(last litters),,,
LEOs came out and made him get rid of a bunch,,,
20-25 this time,,,just a guess,,,
Oh well...