To: Porterville; All
You want to ban something others like... pretty liberal.... very liberal... hell, it is liberal.
Don't be a freakin' imbecile, it isn't a 'liberal' position to restrict or ban a threat to public safety.
Substitute 'pit viper' for 'pit bull' and thank about it chump. Either species is capable of killing and has no business being in the same environment as a 4 month old child. Your priorities are totally screwed up but your political myopia can't see it.
The fact is, your lame tactic of calling someone a 'liberal' in a limp and flaccid attempt to advance your argument is exactly what liberals do.
Pot, meet kettle.
130 posted on
09/21/2008 3:08:36 AM PDT by
(WHERE do these people COME from?!!?!?)
To: mkjessup
You know the argument is lost when you start comparing pit vipers and pitbulls.
Get some sleep LOL
132 posted on
09/21/2008 4:03:55 AM PDT by
To: mkjessup
"Substitute 'pit viper' for 'pit bull' and thank about it chump."
Agreed. But while growing up in southeast Texas, I learned to grab diamondbacks without getting bit. There were even a few on the playground at times. They're not as fast as most people believe them to be and are susceptible to easy distraction. ...more so with copperheads in states north of there (stepped on them with sneakers and grabbed them in hayfields after mowing or baling). That's not as easy to do with a pit bull without being torn apart. Pit bulls are far stronger than snakes.
176 posted on
09/21/2008 1:11:43 PM PDT by
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