Look at the state every single thing the government has its hands in, and you will see the true face of regulation.
They’ve just gotten better at disguising how the strings are attached.
It has allowed JPM to buy Bear and Bank of America to buy Merrill.
If these 2 things hadn't happened we'd be in far bigger trouble now.
This article is a breath of fresh air. I’m sitting listening to Hannity and Colmes and Alan and Nancy Skinner are attacking McCain and Bush on this very thing.
What makes this even more unpalatable is that they are stunned...STUNNED! that anyone would blame the democrats and their greed and scoff at the others who are making extremely valid points about Obama’s hands being dirty in this mess.
It’s maddening.
Bill Clinton did sign it, but only one democrat actually signed the bill. The vote tally was 54-44, basically along party lines.
The writer makes a valid point, but you don’t have to blur the truth to make your point more effective.
Spare me. Gramm is a poster child for how NOT to do deregulation - at the bidding of your lobbyist wife’s sugar daddy Enron.
Please someone help me out.I thought the vote was 90 aye...8 nay.Perhaps I am thinking of another bill.
Did the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act cause the housing bubble?
No. That is one common myth among the progressive left. More here, with lots o links.