The up-tick rule has been in force for a long time. It prevented the kind of parasitic runs we have been seeing lately.
McCain probably should fire he failed to monitor while as a Senator.
Had McCain worried more about the financial situation...instead of his pro-illegal/anti-American amnesty bill....maybe this mess could have been averted.
Gee, I wonder if Cox is pro-American/anti-illegal...this could explain this more...
I understand that McCain is running for President and needs to make rash statements that will assign blame for market volatility. These demagogue statements are usually misinformed. Chris Cox does not deserve this bashing. He was a fine legislator and a good head of the SEC. I am sure there was careful study before changing the short selling rule. Perhaps the decision should be revisited after some careful study. The short selling rule is not responsible for the market downturn. Bad economic news is the primary reason.